Indoor Scan (LAZ) to GeoSync Floor Plan

Process takes a merged indoor point cloud and generates 2d floor plans for use in a GeoSync Cloud Campus project. Optionally, point clouds can be published and hosted as part of the Campus project but are not included in this topic. The process examples assume Kentucky locations.

Videos of most of the steps can be found here.

This process requires the following software packages:

  1. GeoSync Z-Tools
  2. QGIS Version 3.22 or later
  3. GeoSync Cloud Publisher (Publisher User)

Begin with a merged indoor point cloud (LAZ format - typ: meters) - typical process might involve the use of a Geoslam scanner and Geoslam Connect software to produce an aligned and merged indoor point cloud.


  1. Create a GeoSync Z-Tools project and copy the indoor point cloud into the Results folder. Create a text file named georeference.txt - use notepad to make notes - example
  2. Create a QGIS project - set projection to KY Single Zone - USFT and add KYAPED ArcGIS Imagery layer. Zoom to the location of the indoor point cloud. Recommend installing the Coordinate Capture plugin for pulling reference coordinates.
  3. Determine the first floor elevation - Open the Z-Tools map and find the location of the indoor point cloud. Use the right-click to estimate the first floor elevation. (NOTE: if you have other better sources for elevation then use the best value) Record this information in the georeference.txt document.
  4. Decimate the indoor point cloud - use the Filter LAS to decimate the point cloud to 20 percent. Rename to merged_20pct.laz and copy to Results folder. (Note: this is a judgment call - purpose is to reduce size to improve performance so you might need to try different decimation percentages)
  5. Publish the decimated point cloud - use the Standard publisher to create a 3d view of the indoor point cloud. Remember the point cloud is likely in meters and so you may need to adjust some settings so you get the correct measurements.
  6. Determine point cloud floor elevation(s) and reference points - using the GeoSync 3D View determine floor elevations and extract coordinates of 2 reference points you will use for geo-reference. The reference points need to be points you can identify on the QGIS project aerial image. If there are multiple floors you need to determine floor elevations for each. You will record floor elevations and reference points in the georeference.txt file.
  7. Get real coordinates (State Plane) of reference points - using the QGIS project and the coordinate capture tool extract XY coordinates from the aerial image. You will pick locations as close as you can matching to the reference points you identified in Step 6. Record these coordinates in the georeference.txt file.
  8. Geo-reference the decimated point cloud (step 5) - using the Quick Translate tool and the reference point / first floor elevations recorded in the georeference.txt file. Remember the point cloud is typically in meters and the aerial image is typically in USFT. Copy the geo-referenced point cloud (qtrans.laz) to the Results folder. You can preview the results by dragging and dropping the qtrans.tif (GeoTIF) onto your QGIS project to see how well the indoor scans on the site. (NOTE: If you don’t like the results you will need to repeat steps 6-8 till you are OK with the results.)
  9. Generate floor slices (LAZ) - using the Filter LAS (keep Z) tool generate 2 slices per floor. Copy output to the Results folder and name as follows. Typically you will use these formulas:
    1. Slice 1 (f1_slice1.laz): FF(el) + 1ft to 4ft
    2. Slice 2 (f1_slice2.laz): FF(el) + 5ft to 6ft
  10. Generate XYZ raster tiles of floor slices - drag and drop slice.laz files into the QGIS project - render them to preference - use the Raster Tools - Generate XYZ Tiles tool to produce XYZ tiles. Save these in your Z-Tools project under the xyz_tiles folder. You can preview the results in the Z-Tools map.
  11. Publish XYZ raster tiles of floor slices - using GeoSync Cloud Publisher update the floor slice layers with the tiles produce in step 10. Typically you can drag and drop the folder and update the layers. Check out your campus map and make adjustments. Your GeoSync Campus App should be ready for setting room and exit points along with attributes and photos.